Environment and Sustainability Committee
14 January 2025
Title |
Heathrow Easterlies Alteration Planning Application Consultation from London Borough of Hillingdon. |
Purpose of the report |
To make comments to report to Planning Committee on 5 February 2025 |
Report Author |
Kelly Walker Principal Planning Officer and Matthew Clapham Senior Planning Officer |
Ward(s) Affected |
All Wards
Exempt |
No |
Exemption Reason |
N/A |
Corporate Priority |
Committee is asked to:
Make comments to the Planning Committee advising that the E&S Committee agrees with the officer’s attached draft report, to raise objection on unacceptable noise impact on Spelthorne properties in Stanwell Moor. |
Reason for Recommendation |
The consultation by the London Borough of Hillingdon is due to be considered by the Planning Committee on 5 February 2025. Comments from the E & S Committee on the attached draft officer’s report are required. |
1. Summary of the report
What is the situation |
Why we want to do something |
A consultation has been received by the Local Planning Authority from the London Borough of Hillingdon about an application for enabling works to serve the northern runway, to allow the implementation of full runway alteration during easterly operations at Heathrow Airport. This will be considered by the Planning Committee. |
Provide a response to the London Borough of Hillingdon (who will determine the application) on the consultation relating to the Heathrow Easterly Alternation proposal. |
This is what we want to do about it |
These are the next steps |
To make comments to the Planning Committee advising that ,the E&S Committee agrees with the officer’s attached draft report, to raise objection on unacceptable noise impact on Spelthorne properties in Stanwell Moor. |
Report to Planning Committee on 5 February 2025 who have capacity to act as the Non-Statutory Consultee. |
1.1 The attached draft Planning Committee report (Appendix A) sets out the Officer’s recommendation on this matter.
2. Key issues
2.1 The main issues relating to this proposal are noise and air quality.
3. Options analysis and proposal
3.1 The attached committee report sets out the options and analysis. The options are to raise an objection or not raise an objection. It is being recommended that objection is made on the adverse impact of noise on the properties in Stanwell Moor.
4. Financial management comments
4.1 None
5. Risk management comments
5.1 None.
6. Procurement comments
6.1 N/A
7. Legal comments
7.1 The Local Planning Authority are a Non-Statutory Consultee under Schedule 4(b)(c), Article 19 and Article 24 Development Management Procedure Order, Paragraph 4(2) Schedule 1
8. Other considerations
8.1 No other considerations required.
9. Equality and Diversity
9.1 . Human Rights Act 1998:
(a) the LPA should pay due regard to the Human Rights Act 1998. In particular, the requirement not to act in a way which is incompatible with any relevant Convention rights which include the right to a fair trial, the right to respect for private and family life, the prohibition of discrimination and protection of property.
9.2 Public Sector Equality Duty (Equality Act 2010)
(a) The Council should:
i) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act.
ii) advance equality of opportunity
iii) foster good relations
9.3 The addition of these considerations ensures the provision of more robust reasoning and justification for all enforcement action, which in turn strengthens our arguments on appeal or prosecution and will lead to more successful legal outcomes for the Council.
10. Sustainability/Climate Change Implications
10.1 No additional flights are proposed, comments on air quality are contained in the attached committee report.
11. Timetable for implementation
11.1 To report to Planning Committee on 5 February 2025.
12. Contact
12.1 Kelly Walker, Principal Planning Officer (k.walker@Spelthorne.gov.uk) and Matthew Clapham, Senior Planning Officer (m.clapham@Spelthorne.gov.uk).
Background papers: Planning application submission to the London Borough of Hillingdon.
Appendix A - Draft Planning Committee report